The Connection Between Anxiety And Breathing


The more I learn about anxiety, the more I discover that there is a very intimate connection between how anxious we feel, and how we breathe.    You can actually bring yourself into that state where you feel you are having a panic attack by taking very quick shallow breaths.  Do this for just a few minutes and you will feel the anxiety.

If you are in the midst of a panic attack, by changing the way you breathe you can help your body to relax and free yourself of those symptoms.   What you need to do is slow down your breathing.   Take a long inhale and an even longer exhale.   So in the midst of a panic attack, start with 3 seconds inhale and 5 seconds exhale.  Gradually increase both, till you get to 6 or 7 seconds for inhale and then 10 seconds for exhale.  Once you are up to 10 seconds of exhale, you should be able to balance your breathing slowing taking in air for 10 seconds and then slowly releasing it for another 10.

For more on the subject of breathing and its connection to anxiety:

•  Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art – my overview of the book.

•  Video of how to induce a panic attack. From the intro to a Netflix/VOX documentary titled “The Mind, Explained: Anxiety” with Doctor Ali Mattu

•  To help with regulating your breathing, try this app:
Breathe: Relax & Focus on Android or iOS

•  My own journey with the issue of breathing.



People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong.

— Thomas Sowell