The Connection Between Anxiety And Stress

Stress / High Risk Behaviors

There are some people who love to live life on the edge. These people love the risk. They thrill on new adventures, always wanting to see how fast, or how far they can go. These people are what we might call adrenaline junkies. But you don’t have to live on the edge to develop the addiction to adrenaline.

Maybe you aren’t that living on the edge type. However if you are the hardworking, highly motivated, perfectionist type, then you are also vulnerable to become an adrenaline junky.

The problem with these lifestyles is that they produce the adrenaline that underlies all those anxious feelings. So, if you are feeling anxious, and want to be free of those symptoms, then you need to begin to manage some of your life choices.  You need to keep that adrenaline from flowing so often.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun, it just means that you need to manage your stress levels better. You need to learn to check your body more often and watch to protect against getting to close to those limits.

It does mean that you need to cut back on those high risk activities.  It also means that if you are the workaholic type, then you need to begin to schedule more breaks into your life.  The type A person who starts to experience anxiety, needs to slow down and spend more time resting and relaxing.



Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence.

— Thomas Sowell